Workshops Series | Monday, February 26 


Advancing Prefabrication Bootcamp


Prefabrication Project Management


Scaling Your Prefabrication Operation


Pushing the Boundaries of Prefab & Modular Innovation


Building Your Firm’s Industrialized Construction Strategy

This bootcamp style focus day will provide any trade contractors just starting out on their prefab journeys the insights you need to get your operation off the ground.

This track of workshops will be dedicated to clients and general contractors who are looking to optimize the way they pursue and manage prefabrication on projects.

This track of workshops will be for trade contractors that already have an established prefab operation, but are now looking to optimize and scale capacity and efficiency across their business. 

This track of workshops will be for the advanced group of innovators in the room to explore the cutting and even bleeding edge of what is being achieved with industrialized approaches.

This strategic focus day will tackle the challenges for Company Leadership in formulating and driving organizational change when aspiring to be a company that excels in prefabrication and modular construction.

Session 1
Making the Idea of Prefab a Reality


Workshop A
Overviewing the Current Prefab Landscape to Determine the Right Assemblies for Your Project


Workshop D
Effectively Re-Structuring Your Approach to Start Selling Your Prefab Services & Capabilities


Workshop G
Achieving a More Integrated Design Process to Maximize Efficiency & Project Savings


Session 1
Assessing the ROI of Prefabrication to Drive Organizational Buy-In



Session 2

Scoping Initial Operations &


Workshop B
Working Through the Design Decision-Making Process with a Prefab Mindset


Workshop E

Breaking into Multi-Trade Prefabrication


Workshop H

Overviewing the End-to End Process of Setting up & Optimizing Factory Operations


Session 2

Exploring Market Offerings & Cost Control Strategies to Effectively Scale Prefab Operations



Session 3

Taking the Next Step to
Achieve Scale


Workshop C

Becoming a Prefab Enabler: How Can You Make Sure Your Client Reaps the Benefits of Trade Expertise?


Workshop F

Exploring Best Practices for Scaling a Standardized Prefab Approach Across Multiple Offices


Session 3

Integrating Teams & Technologies


Main Conference 

Tuesday, February 27 – Wednesday, February 28

Day One General Sessions
Using Data to Open Doors to Prefab

Day Two General Sessions
Exploring Industry Transformation

Track One

Owner Playbook, Programming & Project Set Up

Track Two

Pre-Planning, Design & Pre-construction

Track Three

BIM, Data & Digital

Track Four

Prefabrication & Fab Shops

Track Five

ADVANCED Manufacturing
& Production Facilities

Track Six

 Project & Field

Track Seven

Structural Prefabrication
& Volumetric Modular

Track Eight

Roundtables &

This track will focus on setting up projects and programs for success with prefabrication and modular, covering issues such as project delivery models, financing, partnering, playbook creation and more.

This track will dive into the challenges of getting prefabrication into the conversation early, exploring different options for your project, optimizing designs and setting up a more integrated team for success.

This track is dedicated to bridging the gap between designers and specialty fabricators as we explore the process of optimizing models, coordinating and sharing information as a single thread across project teams, and creating the data your firm need to drive their prefab strategy to the next level.

This track will allow prefabrication leaders and foremen to explore how to learn and optimize workflows, labour and technologies inside a more streamlined, robust prefab operation.

This track will allow the most advanced prefabrication and manufacturing leaders to explore the realization of manufacturing and productization within the construction industry. Discuss the workflows, technologies and strategy to take a step ahead of the competition.

This track is focused on project management from preconstruction to field. Ensure communication and collaboration between your prefab and field teams to maximize innovation on your project.

This track is designed to explore the cutting-edge applications and integration of panelization and volumetric modular components on projects today, and overcome the issues with structural prefabricated systems.

New for this year, we will be hosting a breakout series
of roundtable discussions where you can meet with and discuss the unique challenges for specific company types, types of prefabrication and understand how likeminded
companies are tackling the same challenges as you!

Join this track if you are:

A Client, Developer or
Client Representative

Join this track if you are:

A Preconstruction, Lean, Design or Project Management Leader

Join this track if you are:

A Technology, BIM, or VDC Leader

Join this track if you are:

A Prefabrication, Shop, or Lean Leader

Join this track if you are:

A Prefabrication, Manufacturing, or Industrial Engineering Leader

Join this track if you are:

A Superintendent, Project Manager, or Field Operations Leader

Join this track if you are:

A Modular Firm or Walling contractor, or are seeking insight into structural systems

Schedule to be released late October 2023.

Market Focus Days | Thursday, February 29

This post-conference day will facilitate dedicated tracks for Owners, Designers, Contractors and Manufacturers to explore the cutting edge applications, technologies and workflows taking prefab and modular to the next level for specific market types

Data Centers & Mission Critical


Pharmaceutical & Manufacturing

Hospitality, Multi-Family & Commercial

This track will explore different innovations and developments of prefab and modular within the data center market, exploring topics such as improving the predictability of schedules and deliverables, exploring technical building systems and harnessing standardization.

This track will cover the challenges of prefabrication within the Healthcare market. Learn how to overcome difficulties in securing client buy-in, understand how to integrate prefab into preconstruction and explore the benefits of standardized hospital design.

This track will dive into the advancements of prefabrication and modular within the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. Discuss the value proposition of prefab for facilitation client needs, uncover how to retrofit a live facility and balance flexibility with standardization.

This track is focused on prefabrication and modular within the hospitality, multi-family and commercial markets. Join us to assess the pros and cons of modular against traditional construction, understand how to manage supply chain logistics and balance standardization and customization

2024 Offsite Facility Tours Timetable | Monday, February 26

Our tours enable you and your team to visit some of the nation’s BEST manufacturing and prefabrication facilities currently in operation.

Each tour will guide you through every step of the set-up, streamlining, operations and output of these leading production facilities to see how you can take your own operations to the next level and find harmony between traditional construction and new manufacturing methodologies.

Every attendee will be able to visit a maximum of 3 tours, which will be charged at $300 per visit.

Encore Electric

Encore Electric Logo

RK Industries

RK Industries Logo

9-11AM Tour 1: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

12-2PM Tour 2: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

9-11AM Tour 1: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

12-2PM Tour 2: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

Encore Electric is committed to excellence in providing quality preconstruction, construction, technology solutions, and prefabrication…for all things power, technology and energy. A cultural cornerstone, prefabrication has defined the practices of their craftspeople, from apprentice through superintendent, since 2003. Prefabrication works closely with engineers to provide equipment, materials and workers needed to create the modular building blocks required for today’s fast-paced projects by quickly transforming computer-generated models into electrical components for just-in-time construction reducing project complications.


RK Industries is a leading construction, manufacturing, advanced fabrication and building services provider in North America. Their office space and fabrication facilities are spread over 650,000 sq. ft., primarily in Colorado. RK operate through seven specialized businesses, each offering a unique set of services, underscoring our commitment to versatility and customer-centric solutions. Company growth is deeply rooted in their use of cutting-edge fabrication techniques and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and so these facilities and capabilities will continue to be the cornerstone of success. We invite you to tour their facilities to witness firsthand the innovation and excellence that define RK Industries.


Top Tips


Book Early! Tours will sell out quickly and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity this year to visit both locations!


Do not book tours at conflicting times. If you do so, one of your bookings will automatically be reassigned to a tour at a different timeslot or canceled if this cannot be accommodated.


All tours repeat their content at each facility, so please only book onto one tour per site. Anyone who books onto two tours at the same location will be refunded for one of those tours.


Please note, travel time to and from the tour locations is not included in the time stated above.


You will not be able to swap places once booked so make sure that you choose the right session for you first time around!

Workshops Series | Monday, February 26 


Advancing Prefabrication Bootcamp

This bootcamp style focus day will provide any trade contractors just starting out on their prefab journeys the insights you need to get your operation off the ground.

Session 1
Making the Idea of Prefab a Reality



Session 2

Scoping Initial Operations &



Session 3

Taking the Next Step to
Achieve Scale



Prefabrication Project Management

This track of workshops will be dedicated to clients and general contractors who are looking to optimize the way they pursue and manage prefabrication on projects.

Workshop A
Overviewing the Current Prefab Landscape to Determine the Right Assemblies for Your Project



Workshop B
Working Through the Design Decision-Making Process with a Prefab Mindset



Workshop C

Becoming a Prefab Enabler: How Can You Make Sure Your Client Reaps the Benefits of Trade Expertise?



Scaling Your Prefabrication Operation

This track of workshops will be for trade contractors that already have an established prefab operation, but are now looking to optimize and scale capacity and efficiency across their business. 

Workshop D
Effectively Re-Structuring Your Approach to Start Selling Your Prefab Services & Capabilities



Workshop E

Breaking into Multi-Trade Prefabrication



Workshop F

Exploring Best Practices for Scaling a Standardized Prefab Approach Across Multiple Offices



Building Your Firm’s Industrialized Construction Strategy

This track of workshops will be for the advanced group of innovators in the room to explore the cutting and even bleeding edge of what is being achieved with industrialized approaches.

Workshop G
Achieving a More Integrated Design Process to Maximize Efficiency & Project Savings



Workshop H

Overviewing the End-to End Process of Setting up & Optimizing Factory Operations



Pushing the Boundaries of Prefab & Modular Innovation

This strategic focus day will tackle the challenges for Company Leadership in formulating and driving organizational change when aspiring to be a company that excels in prefabrication and modular construction.

Session 1
Assessing the ROI of Prefabrication to Drive Organizational Buy-In



Session 2

Exploring Market Offerings & Cost Control Strategies to Effectively Scale Prefab Operations



Session 3

Integrating Teams & Technologies


Main Conference 

Tuesday, February 27 – Wednesday, February 28

Day One General Sessions
Using Data to Open Doors to Prefab

Track One

Owner Playbook, Programming & Project Set Up

This track will focus on setting up projects and programs for success with prefabrication and modular, covering issues such as project delivery models, financing, partnering, playbook creation and more.

Join this track if you are:

A Client, Developer or
Client Representative

Track Two

Pre-Planning, Design & Pre-construction

This track will dive into the challenges of getting prefabrication into the conversation early, exploring different options for your project, optimizing designs and setting up a more integrated team for success.

Join this track if you are:

A Preconstruction, Lean, Design or Project Management Leader

Track Three

BIM, Data & Digital

This track is dedicated to bridging the gap between designers and specialty fabricators as we explore the process of optimizing models, coordinating and sharing information as a single thread across project teams, and creating the data your firm need to drive their prefab strategy to the next level.

Join this track if you are:

A Technology, BIM, or VDC Leader

Track Four

Prefabrication & Fab Shops

This track will allow prefabrication leaders and foremen to explore how to learn and optimize workflows, labour and technologies inside a more streamlined, robust prefab operation.

Join this track if you are:

A Prefabrication, Shop, or Lean Leader

Day Two General Sessions
Exploring Industry Transformation

Track Five

ADVANCED Manufacturing
& Production Facilities

This track will allow the most advanced prefabrication and manufacturing leaders to explore the realization of manufacturing and productization within the construction industry. Discuss the workflows, technologies and strategy to take a step ahead of the competition.

Join this track if you are:

A Prefabrication, Manufacturing, or Industrial Engineering Leader

Track Six

 Project & Field

This track is focused on project management from preconstruction to field. Ensure communication and collaboration between your prefab and field teams to maximize innovation on your project.

Join this track if you are:

A Superintendent, Project Manager, or Field Operations Leader

Track Seven

Structural Prefabrication
& Volumetric Modular

This track is designed to explore the cutting-edge applications and integration of panelization and volumetric modular components on projects today, and overcome the issues with structural prefabricated systems.

Join this track if you are:

A Modular Firm or Walling contractor, or are seeking insight into structural systems

Track Eight

Roundtables &

New for this year, we will be hosting a breakout series of roundtable discussions where you can meet with and discuss the unique challenges for specific company types, types of prefabrication and understand how likeminded companies are tackling the same challenges as you!

Schedule to be released late October 2023.

Market Focus Days | Thursday, February 29

This post-conference day will facilitate dedicated tracks for Owners, Designers, Contractors and Manufacturers to explore the cutting edge applications, technologies and workflows taking prefab and modular to the next level for specific market types

Data Centers & Mission Critical

This track will explore different innovations and developments of prefab and modular within the data center market, exploring topics such as improving the predictability of schedules and deliverables, exploring technical building systems and harnessing standardization.


This track will cover the challenges of prefabrication within the Healthcare market. Learn how to overcome difficulties in securing client buy-in, understand how to integrate prefab into preconstruction and explore the benefits of standardized hospital design.

Pharmaceutical & Manufacturing

This track will dive into the advancements of prefabrication and modular within the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries. Discuss the value proposition of prefab for facilitation client needs, uncover how to retrofit a live facility and balance flexibility with standardization.

Hospitality, Multi-Family & Commercial

This track is focused on prefabrication and modular within the hospitality, multi-family and commercial markets. Join us to assess the pros and cons of modular against traditional construction, understand how to manage supply chain logistics and balance standardization and customization

2024 Offsite Facility Tours Timetable | Monday, February 26

Our tours enable you and your team to visit some of the nation’s BEST manufacturing and prefabrication facilities currently in operation.

Each tour will guide you through every step of the set-up, streamlining, operations and output of these leading production facilities to see how you can take your own operations to the next level and find harmony between traditional construction and new manufacturing methodologies.

Every attendee will be able to visit a maximum of 3 tours, which will be charged at $300 per visit.

Encore Electric

Encore Electric Logo

9-11AM Tour 1: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

12-2PM Tour 2: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

Encore Electric is committed to excellence in providing quality preconstruction, construction, technology solutions, and prefabrication…for all things power, technology and energy. A cultural cornerstone, prefabrication has defined the practices of their craftspeople, from apprentice through superintendent, since 2003. Prefabrication works closely with engineers to provide equipment, materials and workers needed to create the modular building blocks required for today’s fast-paced projects by quickly transforming computer-generated models into electrical components for just-in-time construction reducing project complications.


RK Industries

RK Industries Logo

9-11AM Tour 1: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

12-2PM Tour 2: SOLD OUT
Ask to be added to our waiting list

RK Industries is a leading construction, manufacturing, advanced fabrication and building services provider in North America. Their office space and fabrication facilities are spread over 650,000 sq. ft., primarily in Colorado. RK operate through seven specialized businesses, each offering a unique set of services, underscoring our commitment to versatility and customer-centric solutions. Company growth is deeply rooted in their use of cutting-edge fabrication techniques and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology and so these facilities and capabilities will continue to be the cornerstone of success. We invite you to tour their facilities to witness firsthand the innovation and excellence that define RK Industries.


Top Tips


Book Early! Tours will sell out quickly and you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity this year to visit both locations!


Do not book tours at conflicting times. If you do so, one of your bookings will automatically be reassigned to a tour at a different timeslot or canceled if this cannot be accommodated.


All tours repeat their content at each facility, so please only book onto one tour per site. Anyone who books onto two tours at the same location will be refunded for one of those tours.


Please note, travel time to and from the tour locations is not included in the time stated above.


You will not be able to swap places once booked so make sure that you choose the right session for you first time around!